Sunday, February 27, 2005

he called. finally.

so, have i told you the one about the guy who i met that gave me the best thing ever? and no it wasn't head...a few months ago i sat six inches apart from a boy younger than me on his bed and spent the next six hours confessing secrets and lies. nothing happened. and we were listening to ida. on repeat.

flash forward a moment when i actually got "cajones" and well, empowered by my hair guru called him. "hey i'm in town for the weekend...i'm bored. wanna hang out?"
this resulted in a repeat of the above. except ida was traded for fiona apple and then traded back again. little clothing was worn.

recently prompted by finding his business card among the five trillion boxes i moved from chicago to kc, i called. and he called back. we're making plans. vince tells me he'll call "within a week." keeping my fingers crossed.

p.s. by younger, i mean by a couple of years. not underage. ew.

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